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PewDiePie Trolls the ADL, Pulls Donation to Censorship Organization

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 13 September 2019 05:25.

Related at Majorityrights:

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Barbara Spectre’s Back, summits with Rothschild to unite world Jewry & yoke gentiles in Noahide Law

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 12 September 2019 16:15.

Barbara Spectre Is Back, in an Israeli summit of Jewish luminaries, including Rothschild, to unite worldwide Jewry and bring gentiles under yoke of Noahide law.

Barbara Spectre Is Back summit with Jewish luminaries, held in Israel to unite worldwide Jewry in a “foundationalization’ of their common destiny.

...also discussed will be the obligations for the rest of mankind - the renewing of Noah’s covenant, The Noahide obligations incumbent upon all mankind. international court based on biblical principles.

PewDiePie Pays 50K bribe to ADL, selling-out smaller, more honest YouTube channels to ADL censorship

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 12 September 2019 06:00.

  PewDiePie, with one of the largest YouTube audiences, gave $50,000 to the ADL, Youtube’s largest censor.

Mark Collett makes the case well in the recent [episode 19] Patriotic Weekly Podcast (58:04):

Dodo The Greatest Viking’ gave $10 Superchat: “Hey, what are your opinions on PewDiePie getting blackmailed by the ADL? ..stories just get more and more weird.”

Collett: “What do I think of PewDiePie giving fifty thousand dollars to the ADL? Now there are lots of people who are going to be very angry with what I say here, because no one wants to counter-signal the ‘great’ PewDiePie, because he was seen as the great White hope, the guy who was going to white-pill all these kids. The guy with a hundred million YouTube subs who could save us, could say what he wants because he was too big to fail; and he was ‘never going to cuck.’

But he did cuck.

He gave $50,000 to the primary source of censorship on the internet.

He gave $50,000 to the people taking away free speech for all the smaller YouTubers that can’t defend themselves - all the smaller YouTubers who haven’t got millions in the bank; or model wives, or giant, palatial homes. He gave money to the people trying to ruin them. So, as far as I’m concerned, I don’t care how big he is. I don’t care how important he is, I don’t care how many subs he has.. anyone who donates to the ADL is a rat. He is a rat and he has sold-out. He has spat on the smaller YouTubers that he used to proclaim that he wanted to protect. He has basically… they always say, ‘when you are at the top of the ladder, be kind to those beneath you. Don’t send rubbish back down the ladder on all those who are beneath you’, and he has done.

He just funded the group that want to take down people like E. Michael Jones, Nick Fuentes, Adam Green, myself, Jason, Patrick, Millennial Woes..

...and personally, I find it despicable. And I find it despicable as I said, for two reasons.

Firstly, anyone that funds them is our enemy.

Secondly, of all people on YouTube, of all of the people on YouTube, he did not have to give those people funding. He didn’t need to. He’s a multimillionaire. He has more money than anyone on this show, in this chat, will ever see in a life-time. He probably makes more money a year, than we’ll all see in a life-time. Yet he still cucked. Which just goes to show the size of his balls. How pathetic. And I’m certainly not going to sit here and be all nice because its PewDiePie. and if I saw him in real life, I’d say exactly the same thing to his face but probably in a much more amusing manner.

DL’, who gave $5 in the ‘superchat’ said (1:26:10): “you guys need to stop thinking in this low I.Q. manner; you have to remember that 50k is nothing compared to having a hundred million in audience; and that having access to that audience is worth far more than 50k.

Collett: “Well number one, I’m just going to answer this because that’s nonsense. Number one, when you have a hundred million people, subscribing to you, YouTube aren’t kicking you off; and if you did go to another platform, it wouldn’t affect your income at all, because you would run your own platform just as Ninja did. Ninja left Twitch, he was the biggest streamer on Twitch. He went to Mixer and all of a sudden, Mixer was his income. It doesn’t make any difference, the guy also has so much money in the bank, it doesn’t really make any difference. If he got kicked-off tomorrow and never earned another penny, he’d have more money than any of us put together ever. It makes no difference.

He did this because he’s a coward.

When you’re that big, you don’t need to cuck. I find it absurd. I’m very forgiving. I’m very kind to people. I help people out. He’s done nothing except for help the enemy; and tell everybody that the ADL is boss. Absolutely pointless and ridiculous.

Rapper Chic returns to her hood in Trenton, N.J. Think you can be at home with the homies, Whitey?

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 09:39.

Boss Chic Video Shoot Behind the Scenes

For a Whitey take-away, the hoodies speak better for themselves than an ethnographer might. The setting is Trenton, N.J. state capital.

Alien Nation Indeed


Matteo Salvini to join protest against Italy’s new government as it moves to undo hardline policies

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 11 September 2019 05:00.

Matteo Salvini to join protest against Italy’s new government as it moves to undo hardline policies

The former deputy prime minister is a formidable obstacle to the new regime, as the country’s most popular politician.

Josephine McKenna, Rome,  James Crisp, Brussels correspondent

Daily Telegraph, 8 SEPTEMBER 2019 • 4:43PM

Italy’s former interior minister Matteo Salvini took to the streets on Monday in an ethnonational protest against the new coalition government’s moves to undo his signature hardline policies.

Last week the 21 members of the new cabinet signalled a softer approach to immigration at their first meeting.

One of their first moves was to challenge anti-migrant measures introduced in the northeastern region of Friuli Veneto Giulia, a stronghold of Mr Salvini’s [...] League Party, branding them “discriminatory”. 

Mr Salvini last month sank the coalition government between the League and [...] Five Star Movement (5SM). His plan to return as prime minister via an early election was foiled by the 5SM agreeing to join a new coalition with the centre-left Democratic Party (PD).

“Challenged by the new government,” Mr Salvini tweeted in response. “It does not harm Salvini, but the citizens.”

Mr Salvini used his role in the previous government to promote his party’s aggressive stance against the European Union and wage war on charity vessels saving migrants in the Mediterranean.

The new interior minister, Luciana Lamorgese, an unaligned technocrat, has the delicate task of adapting Mr Salvini’s handiwork without scrapping the policies that have made him the country’s most popular politician -  with support still running above 30 percent.

Ms Lamorgese is a 65-year-old civil servant who has served interior ministers from the left and the right in the past.  Unlike her predecessor, she does not use social media and few are sure of what to expect.

“We could see the partial removal of the previous government’s security decrees that allowed for the seizure of migrant ships and arrest of NGOs,” Lorenzo Castellani, political science professor at Rome’s Luiss University, told the Telegraph.

“The new government is trying a softer approach but the electorate has not changed its mind on immigration,” he said.

The president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, welcomed the new government last week but some Brussels diplomats expressed their reservations.

“To be honest we are not sure it will make a difference,” said one EU diplomat. The moment she (the minister) lets a migrant ship dock she will be slaughtered by Mr Salvini.”

Mr Salvini has told his supporters to keep their heads up. He is focusing on regional elections in October that will give voters their first chance to say what they think of the political winds of change.

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán: “We must never accept population exchange”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 08 September 2019 07:52.

Hungarian PM Viktor Orban - Photo Credits: MTI

Voice of Europe, Story by ARTHUR LYONS 8 Sept 2019:

During a recent speech, Hungary’s nationalist-populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán attacked the idea that replacement migration should be used to solve the demographic problems that many Western countries face.

Orbán’s speech was delivered at Budapest’s 3rd Demographic Summit that was held on the 5th and 6th of this month. During the speech, Orbán emphasized that the most important problem currently facing Europe is its population decline, Hungary’s 888 online newspaper reports.

“Why is this the case? It’s most certainly not because of some sickness of Christian civilization – after all, the number of Christians are rising all around the world. This is a sickness of Europe in general,” Orbán said.

For the Hungarian Prime Minister, immigration must never be regarded as a solution to demographic problems.

“We must never accept population exchange,” Orbán declared.

Orbán also noted that his government was currently working towards a strong policy which prioritizes the family and incentivizes having children.

Without families and children, the national community will disappear, he explained, “and if a nation disappears, something irreplaceable will disappear from the world,” reports Hungary Today.

According to Orbán, the future of a nation and people can only be secured if the nation’s families are guaranteed better financial opportunities to have children as opposed to not having children

“We win only if we can build a system where those who bear children live significantly better than if they hadn’t started a family,” Orbán continued.

This is the way by which the Hungarian government is pursuing its pro-family policy.

Orbán also criticized the “meaningless” so-called green argument that Europeans should stop having kids to save the earth, saying that this kind of talk should be completely dismissed.

Tips? Follow @Alyonsvi

Taylor Swift conditioning girls as most noble/innocent to betray 40 tyrs of evolutionary difference

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 06 September 2019 08:06.

Taylor Swift, “Lover”, 2019 be encouraged into the YKW/Liberal programmatic deception that miscegenation with blacks is not only harmless, but a paragon of “love” and virtue.

This program has been foisted through music videos for over three decades now, beginning with Sumner Redstone’s MTV, as it jammed the pre-internet media with Madonna’s “Like a Prayer” video.

Note: to see White woman / black man couples in public was still very uncommon in the mid 1980s.

The Taylor Swift video begins egregiously enough, making it clear that the target perspective is of little girls and that they should be paying riveted attention to this.

...encouraging girls to have"compassion”, lots of gifts, tidings and reward for universal maturity..

..into the fish bowl with our people…..not like its a trap…

...easy as fishing in bath tub for predators, where White men are prohibited from discriminating against opportunistic, predatory species who would take advantage of the sublimated and protracted maturity that life spans within our evolutionary pattern entail…


Memory Holing Morris Dees

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 05 September 2019 05:00.

SPLC Founder, Morris Dees

Memory Holing Morris Dees

By Steve Sailer for Taki’s Magazin, 4 Sept 2019:

It’s widely assumed in thriller movies that if ever the truth is allowed to leak out about a powerful institution’s fundamental corruption, then its reputation must come crashing down once and for all.

But in real life, multiple disgraces can have negligible impact on an organization’s reputation in the prestige press as long as it continues to serve its function in furthering The Narrative.

I notice that among intelligent but naive young people of a scientific bent, there is a recurrent assumption that once the facts get out, then everything will change. If the 1887 Michelson-Morley experiment about the speed of light turns out negative, then the Newtonian model is shattered and eventually there must be a paradigm shift to Einsteinian relativity.

But that’s not the way it works in public affairs, where control of The Megaphone is what matters because most people can’t remember much. You have to repeat the facts over and over and over to have any chance of ever moving the needle.

For example, since the 1990s close observers of the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of America’s most profitable nonprofits (endowment in fiscal year 2018 was $471,000,000, up from $319,300,000 just two years earlier), have recognized that it is America’s most lucrative hate organization.

The SPLC’s legendary founder Morris Dees (currently on his sixth wife) is basically a sleazy Southern TV preacher type, but one who long ago figured out that poor Southern Baptists had less money to send him than rich Northern liberals. This junk-mail genius realized he could monetize the regional, ethnic, and class hatreds directed against his own people.

But isn’t it a little crass to whip up hatred of poor white Southerners among rich white Northerners? Morris had the perfect answer: He’s not the hater; it’s the people he hates who deserved to be hated because they are the haters.


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Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:15. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Wed, 14 Aug 2024 23:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Wed, 14 Aug 2024 22:34. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 20:27. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 09 Aug 2024 09:19. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 11:26. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 08:50. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Thu, 08 Aug 2024 04:44. (View)

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